2023-2024 High School PSO Membership Join the Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School PSO. The membership fee is $10 for the school year. By becoming a member of our PSO, you will have exclusive access to our private Facebook group. Join Now: Sign up onlineor download themembership form. 2023-2024 High School PSO Remind Notification Sign-Up The PSO will be using Remind this year. To sign up for the "BBH—High School PSO-2023/2024" notifications, please visit https://www.remind.com/join/bbhhig or text "@bbhhig" (no quotation marks) to 81010. You will receive a confirmation message when signing up.
2023-2024 High School PSO Principal Advisory Meetings Join us for meetings to get updates on high school events and news. Meeting minutes can be found on theAboutpage.
2023-2024 Meeting Schedule - Meetings usually take place the second Thursday of each month
September 14th @ 8:30 am
October 12th @ 8:30 am
November 9th @ 7:00 pm
December 14th - Breakfast Off-site
January - No Meeting
February 8th @ 8:30 am
March 14th @ 7:00 pm
April 11th @ 8:30 am
May 9th @ 8:30 am
The 2023-2024 Swarm Board Sign-Up Genius is now live!
The High School Swarm Boards are bulletin boards in the cafeteria, to the left and right of the gym. Teams, music/drama organizations and clubs decorate them to represent their groups.
The left Swarm Board is 6' x 12' .
The right Swarm Board is 8' by 8' (96" x 96"). It is composed of two smaller bulletin boards, one on top of the other. You can decorate the 2 boards separately, or put one huge piece of paper over both.
There are rolls of paper you can use for the background in the Teachers' Lounge. They are along the right side, just past the printers (you can ask the main office for directions). If you notice a roll running low, email [email protected] or let the office know.
If you have questions or want to be added to the Swarm Board distribution list, email the Swarm Board coordinator Claudia Griesmer at [email protected].
**As of March, we still have a few slots available for the rest of the year!